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Demonstration Sites

BLUE CONNECT will be working in 12 Demo sites distributed in 4 European sea-basins (Atlantic, North Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean). BLUE CONNECT Demo sites represent both nationally proclaimed MPAs and Natura 2000 sites with different geographical locations across Europe and marine ecosystems including different coastal and offshore habitats to showcase the versatility and applicability of the tools and frameworks offered by the Blueprint.  

They are site-specific local MPAs, parts of national MPAs and ecological networks, or regional networks of MPAs, covering a wide range of ecosystem functions and services and including important seabed habitats to allow for integration of seabed protection and restoration. In the proposal development phase, the consortium has preliminary identified needs and gaps in the sites when it comes to effective conservation and management.  


In line with those assessments, Demo sites will serve both as sites where tools will be tested and validated in line with their needs and potentials and as the advisory sites, providing best practices, tools, frameworks and schemes for conservation, (co-)management and co- ownership.  


Read about all of our 12 sites below

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